Pitch Black X Jack Frost Fanfiction

  1. Dark Jack Frost Fanfiction
  2. Pitch Black And Jack Frost Fanfiction
  3. Pitch Black X Jack Frost Fanfiction

Pitch x Jack

34 A Touch of Black Frost This is where Jack Frost gets turned evil by Pitch Black or anyone else that is evil! Also, if Jack joins Pitch and anyone else evil too! It can end in happiness or death! The end of Rotg movie, Jack follows after the nightmares and converses with Pitch where they slowly fall in love. Unbeta'ed let me know now what you all think. This is my first fanfic so criticism is welcome! Light smut so if you don't like even a hint of Boy x Boy TURN AWAY NOW! One-shot but may do this from Pitches view not sure yet. All posts must be on topic. A post must focus on the relationship between Jack Frost and Pitch Black. Any posts containing off topic content will be removed. Gen, het, and slash are welcome as long as the posts are about the relationship between Jack and Pitch. All types of fanworks are allowed: fiction, art, videos, graphics, meta, etc.

Dark Jack Frost Jackson Overland Guardians Of Childhood Rise Of The Guardians The Big Four Jelsa Jack Black Disney And Dreamworks Pitch Black Jack Frost x Pitch Black - Chapter 11 Read Chapter 11 from the story Black Jack Frost x Pitch Black by spawnoflucifer with 4,352 reads. Pitchxblackjacksmut, pitchxjack, blackicesmut. Dark Jack Frost Jackson Overland Guardians Of Childhood Rise Of The Guardians The Big Four Jelsa Jack Black Disney And Dreamworks Pitch Black Jack Frost x Pitch Black - Chapter 11 Read Chapter 11 from the story Black Jack Frost x Pitch Black by spawnoflucifer with 4,352 reads. Pitchxblackjacksmut, pitchxjack, blackicesmut.


Dark Jack Frost Fanfiction

I should have never followed him. I should have never let myself fall for him. ' Ah! Yes more, harder!'

Pitch black and jack frost fanfiction

I never meant for things to go this far, especially after what he did to Sandy. I admin I'm not as mad as I should be about the others then I am about what he did to sandy. He was the only who had any kind of contact with me, even if it was only letting me play with his dream sand it was still more than the others ever did with me. ' Oh! Harder, faster yes so close!'

Jack frost x pitch black lemon fanfiction

To tell the truth I'm not even sure how this happened. I followed the nightmares into his lair and we talked (yelled) at each other, then the next thing I know I'm on my back with him thrusting inside me making me forget everything but the sensation. 'No, don't stop more!'

Dark jack frost fanfictionJack frost x pitch fanfiction

Pitch Black And Jack Frost Fanfiction

I should have been fighting him, not falling for him. I think to myself ' what would the others say? What would they think especially North and Sandy?'

Then he would thrust into me hard and I would then realize that I didn't care right now because he has his hand on my neglected member and it felt so good! ' Yes, yes I'm cumming! Pitch!' I came screaming his name only to feel something warm inside me and he is cumming with my name on his lips. As we catch our breath he leans up and does the one thing I had hoped he would not do..he kisses me. I knew as soon as his lips touched mine I was gone for. I had fallen and he caught me. I knew I would never get away from him now. The bad thing was I didn't mind. I wonder if that makes me a bad person? I guess I'll never know but all I know is that I have fallen for the one person I shouldn't have and yet I don't regret it or the way he says my name. 'jack your mind now and I am never letting you go.' He says that like it's a bad thing so I reply with the only thing I can say, 'I d0n't mind' He looked at me in surprise before he says the three words that sealed the deal for me , sort of speak. I love you. Three simple words but they had me frozen in shock but eventually I smile as I wrap my arms around his shoulders and say to him, ' I love you too.' And so I kiss him. Then others will be horrified to know I have fallen for the enemy Pitch Black but again I am finding that I don't care. I laugh when I feel him harden again as he was still inside me before I let out a breathy moan as he shifts his position hitting that special spot inside that made me see stars. I have time to have one last coherent thought before all is lost in the sea of passion and it was ' If this is a bad thing then I will take it.'

Pitch Black X Jack Frost Fanfiction

The End.