Casino Persona 5 Royal

Casino of Jealousy: Bankrupted trophy in Persona 5 Royal (EU): Completed the casino Palace - worth 15 Trophy XP. Find guides to this trophy here. Welcome to Persona 5 Royal, an updated version of one the best Japanese RPGs ever made, Persona 5. The game involves balancing a finite period of time between hunting dungeons for demons and maintaining your social life as a regular high school student. Another Persona 5 Royal stream! This time we actually go fight inside of a dungeon. The Casino Palace specifically, so be wary of spoilers for the in-game month of November! For Persona 5 Royal on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Did we ever find out why Haru was acting weird at the start of the Casino?'

Persona 5 Royalis a dense game. While the vanilla Persona 5 was nearly 100 hours long, Royal clocks in around 130 hours, 33 percent longer than the initial release. With all the extra content, it can be difficult to decide what’s worth your time. Although you’ll certainly learn a thing or two through your first playthrough, it’s infinitely better to enter with an idea of what not to do while wandering Tokyo as a Phantom Thief.

Here are 6 things you definitely shouldn’t do during your first Persona 5 Royal playthrough.

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6. Don't intentionally read books until July

Although being a voracious reader is an attractive trait in real life, doing so until July will only waste your time. Most initially accessible books will require two sessions and only award three social stat points after the second session. There are far more efficient was to earn those points, like crossword puzzles and part-time jobs.

When July rolls around, the Shujin school library will begin to lend out a book titled “Speed Reading.” It only takes a single session to read cover to cover, and doing so will double your reading time. Afterward, you’ll be able to read two-session books in a single sitting, making the social stats gained far more comparable to other activities.

5. Don't go anywhere without a book

Persona 5 royal walkthrough

While you shouldn’t intentionally devote time to reading prior to obtaining Speed Reading, you’ll occasionally encounter a lull in your school commute. When this happens, Morgana will suggest that you pull out a book to pass the time. These instances won’t take away from your days free time whatsoever, so make sure to have a book on you that can be enjoyed when the moment calls for it.

It’s even better if you run into a commute lull after completing Speed Reading, you’ll then always leave train rides with three more social points than you had when the ride began. Books can be obtained through a variety of means like your school library, perusing bookstores found in Shibuya and Shinjuku, and completing missions.

4. Don't ignore any NPCs

When you go anywhere in P5R, you’ll be bombarded by numerous people speaking to you. They’ll be denoted by either having a black and white cloud containing three white dots or two white quotation marks. Don’t be shy, speak to everyone.

Each person has a chance to give you a new item, a Mementos mission, and insight into the overall storyline. Conversing with a stranger can never be a detriment to your overall game. If you’re still hesitant, at least make sure to interact with characters that seem to have unique models: those characters will always have more weight in your playthrough if utilized properly.

3. Don't ghost Mishima

After finishing the first Palace, Mishima will text you... a lot. Make sure to pay heed to his texts. Often he’ll give you a lead for a new mission in Mementos. Mishima is one of those people you should never ignore, even if his fawning fanboy antics can try your patience.

Despite how annoying interacting with him can be, he'll only lead you to greener pastures. As you deepen your relationship with Mishima, you’ll get more EXP and chances to strengthen your party. Don’t sleep on his texts or confidant events.

2. Don't go to bed unless forced

In the original version of Persona 5, Morgana was a total nag, forcing you to head to bed well before you were ready. It was frustratingly limiting, leading to oodles of op-eds, memes, and a special reading of the book Go the F**k to Sleep performed by Morgana’s English voice actor Cassandra Lee Morris. Among the host of changes made to Persona 5 while developing Royal, Morgana’s commands have been muffled a bit, giving you far more time to improve yourself.

These extra moments of free time, can’t necessarily be used to strengthen your bonds, you’ll be able to boost your stats with the activities available in LeBlanc like studying, cleaning up the cafe, crafting tools, and more.

Nevertheless, don’t go to be unless forced. If you need to go to bed, Morgana will stop you from going downstairs or interacting with anything in the vicinity. Always test Morgana’s limits by interacting withy anything nearby during the evening. Thy breaketh Morgana’s chains, summoning the wings of rebellion.

1. Don't purchase gear

Early in Persona 5, you'll unlock a gear shop in Shibuya, where you can purchase new equipment. Never purchase anything there. Buying new items from the shop just isn't necessary. Iwai only stocks so-so items. You'll get better gear by just roaming the latest palace

If you'd like something better, wait until you unlock the ability to itemize your personas in the Velvet Room or use the laundromat to clean up any dirty equipment. Buying gear outright will just drain your funds, which can be used more effectively elsewhere.

Persona 5 Royal is now available for PS4.

Enako cosplayed Persona 5 Royal's Kasumi Yoshizawa and shared some fun anecdotes on the game.

Sega and Atlus held a new Persona 5 Royal stream on September 27. The stream was special in how it only featured people who don’t know much about the Persona series, so they didn’t reveal anything new information-wise. They showed some new gameplay though. This was in order to better promote the game to those who don’t know the series. Everyone on stream admitted they were a bit tense as well.

The stream was MC’ed by multiple people, most notably Enako, Japan’s current most popular cosplayer. Enako was cosplaying Kasumi Yoshizawa. Her ponytail wig was really well styled and super cute.

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The stream also featured multiple Japanese streamers and personalities I don’t really feel like introducing, as it’ll take me time looking up all their profiles. But basically keep in mind that nearly none of them ever played the Persona series.

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Throughout the stream, Enako mentioned she did play the original Persona 5 though. Her favorite persona design-wise is Alice, and gameplay-wise it’s Yoshitsune. She also chatted about how she didn’t feel like hooking up Joker with any of the girls, because they all feel more like comrades than love interests, but ended up picking Ann.

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Personally speaking, I’ve never found Enako’s cosplays particularly amazing, and like most popular cosplayers nowadays, she mostly cosplays things I don’t care about like FGO. I gotta say she seemed perry cool during the stream though, so I’ve gotten a bit more interested now. You can find her Twitter here.

Persona 5 Royal Review

Anyway, most of the stream was explaining the Persona series and chatting about it, and then we got some live gameplay, at the timestamps linked below. First was a battle in the game’s 3rd Palace, and then another battle in the casino, showing Makoto and Ryuji’s Show Time. As a reminder, while they didn’t show any Show Time attack with Joker, they already confirmed Joker has a Show Time attack which unlocks lategame, probably with Goro.