Pathfinder Familiar Item Slots

One of my players is thinking about selecting a raven as a familiar. Assuming he does, and the raven can speak Common, can he give it a command word activated magic item to use? If so, how is this handled in combat? Does the familiar get its own turn and actions, or does it act as part of the PC's turn or actions?
I'd assume it would get its own turn and actions, and that if it can reproduce the sounds of the command word it can speak it (a lot like a druid's animal companion?). The player is fine with whatever the answer is, but I wasn't sure, and didn't see anything about it under 'Familiars'?

Pathfinder Familiar Item Slots No Deposit


Pathfinder Magic Item Slots

Why would they need a hand of glory to use rings? The 5 special familiars on the list have all the normal magic item slots any character has, because they are humanoid/dragons, who have all slots. To me, that was the point of the faq. Imo the point was to show they had normal slots,not just add head slot and the ability to use wands as mentioned. He just didn't want to list every slot. Numerous official sources have mentioned familiars wearing/utilizing magic items if they have an appropriate body slot or digits to wear or manipulate them respectively. If all an item needs is a command word, and it is small and light enough for your raven to wear or hold, then it would be able to use it. A familiar is a magical pet that enhances the wizard's skills and senses, while a bonded object is an item a wizard can use to cast additional spells. Wizard Bonus Feat At 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, a wizard gains a bonus feat. Add and subtract gold, equipment and magic items - Track magic items in their item slots - Create a spellbook for your spellcaster - Add a familiar or animal companion - Built in Dice Roller Take your RPG to the next level and enjoy Players Companion and may your heros live forever. Note: Pathfinder data is still being worked on. Aspire Global International LTD (or 'The Company') is a company registered in Malta for the purposes of operating and offering of online and Pathfinder Familiar Extra Item Slot mobile application games Pathfinder Familiar Extra Item Slot and sports betting services with registration number C42296 and registered office at 135 High Street Sliema.