How To Calculate Texas Holdem Odds

Texas Hold 'em: About PokerListings is the world's largest and most trusted online poker guide, offering texas holdem starting stack the best online poker bonus deals texas holdem how to calculate odds guaranteed, exclusive site reviews and the most free poker content available on the Web. This often happens, especially in limit Texas holdem. But if an opponent moves all in on the turn you simply use the turn and river combined odds in your decision. Advanced Texas Holdem Math. Many beginning Texas holdem players look at a discussion about expectation and instantly decide it’s too hard and ignore it. Enter cards and press 'Calculate' to determine odds. Texas Holdem Odds Calculator uses the Pokersource engine to determine outcomes. Thanks to all who have contributed to this project. Cards are entered in the form 23456789TQKACDHS and is case insensitive. Examples Two of diamonds can be entered by 2d or 2D. Texas Hold'em Cheat SheetOdds Based on Outs after the Flop. If after the flop, you have: Two outs: Your odds are 11 to 1 (about 8.5 percent) A common scenario would be when you have a pair and you are hoping your pair becomes a three-of-a-kind (a set).

Matthew Hilger ('Texas Hold'em Odds and Probabilities') has more tables of probabilities than any of the others, but leaves the reader uncertain of how to proceed in doing his/her own calculations. Mike Petriv ('Hold'em Odds Book') covers the same ground as does Roe though Petriv focuses a bit more heavily on the math whereas Roe provides the.

The following Texas Holdem odds table highlights some common probabilities that you may encounter in Hold'em. It is not vital that you learn these probabilities, but it is useful to be aware of the chances of certain situations arising.

Texas Hold'em odds chart.

SituationPercentage OddsRatio Odds
Preflop Probabilities:
Dealt AA.0.45%220 to 1
Dealt AK.1.2%82 to 1
Dealt AKs.0.3%331 to 1
Dealt 72o.0.9%109 to 1
Being dealt AA vs. KK (heads up).0.004%22,559 to 1
Dealt a pocket pair.6%16 to 1
Dealt suited connectors.4%24 to 1
Flop Probabilities:
Flopping a pair.32.4%2.2 to 1
Flopping a set (with pockets).11.8%7.5 to 1
Paired Board:
2 players, probability of trips.17%4.8 to 1
3 players, probability of trips.26%3 to 1
4 players, probability of trips.34%2 to 1
5 players, probability of trips.43%1.4 to 1

How to use Texas Hold'em odds.

The odds in this Texas Hold'em odds table are unlikely to directly help your overall strategy, but they are pretty interesting nonetheless. The Texas Hold'em odds for each of the different situations have been given in both percentage and ratio odds, so use whichever format you feel comfortable with.

Other poker odds charts.

For more useful odds charts that you can use for when you are working out whether or not to call when on a drawing hand, use the following tables:

Odds of texas holdem hands

Both of these tables give the odds for completing your draw depending on how many outs you have. You can find out more on how to work out odds and all that mathematical stuff in the article on pot odds.

Go back to the poker odds charts.

Hold Em Odds Calculator

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How the poker calculator works

Texas Holdem Hands Chart


The Grosvenor Casinos Poker Calculator works by using what’s known as a “Monte Carlo” algorithm. This algorithm estimates the percentage of making a hand in Texas Hold’em by simulating what would or could happen had the hand been played out multiple times. The calculator runs all the possible outcomes of the hand from the point at which the player is on the board until it hits a limit of 12,500 simulations.

How To Calculate Texas Holdem Odds

Why 12,500?

How To Calculate Texas Holdem Pot Odds


Poker Hand Odds Calculator Preflop

To ensure a perfectly accurate percentage each time, one would need to run hundreds of thousands of simulations, which would cause the calculator to run much slower – especially where there are no board cards. Instead, we have chosen to impose a limit of 12,500 possible outcomes, which means the calculator is within 1.5% accuracy of the displayed percentages. For calculations that have less than 12,500 outcomes (when the hand progresses further) the calculation is more accurate. To ensure the tool calculates hand percentages as quickly as possible, the calculations run on a separate server – as opposed to the individual’s computer.