Black Jack Randall X Reader

Request: What about Randall crushing on the reader and wanting to ask her out and sometimes when they’re out as a pack he stops by where she is to just look at her, and once they go out he mentions one thing that happened to her and she’s all confused because how did he even know what happened? Sorry if it’s too long hahahaha - @bearsbeetsbarnes

Warnings: Fluff, a couple swear words, my sense of humor

Word Count: 2,997

Pairing: Randall Carpio x fem!Reader

You are the daughter of the famous scarer, Frank McCay. And of course you are going to the wonderful MU! Adventures, mistakes, love, sadness, joy and all kinds of other stuff awaits you! MU, here you come! ((Randall X Reader and kinda Johnny x Reader)).

Randall gets released from prison and he has yet to redeem himself, will he change his ways or will he remain the same evil jerk as always? Rated: K - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,151 - Reviews: 2 - Updated: 6/28 - Published: 6/21 - Mike W., Randall B., Sulley/James P. No Archive Warnings Apply; Randall Boggs/Mike Wazowski; Randall Boggs; Mike Wazowski; Romance; Pre-Movie: Monsters University (2013) Summary. Mike is a college student at Monsters University and is sharing a room with Randall, in this story they take the time to get to know each other better. Pairing: Randall Carpio x fem!Reader. A/n: Sorry if it’s kind of long, hope you like it!:) Masterlist As far as everyone could tell, except you, Randall had a serious crush on you. Now some would say that crushes instantly go away, but not this one. It was like something pulled him in. He was in way too deep.

A/n: Sorry if it’s kind of long, hope you like it! :)


As far as everyone could tell, except you, Randall had a serious crush on you. Now some would say that crushes instantly go away, but not this one. It was like something pulled him in. He was in way too deep. This all started when he accidentally stumbled into you making all your belongings scatter all over the sidewalk. He was running late for a class and he didn’t get much sleep the night before. Sure being a knight had its up cases, but when it mixed up with his regular life as a college student, there could be some downfalls to it. Not that he complained about it. He loved being a knight, he gave his life to cause after all.

It had been a Monday. You know how those days are for everyone. Not great as it would’ve seemed for you though. Your alarm didn’t go off. You couldn’t find the essay you worked so hard on. You had managed to spill coffee all over your favorite sweater, and as if your day couldn’t have gone any better, somehow the universe decided you needed one more accident to add to your bad luck that day. You were late for your CNA class and somehow ended up ripping a hole in your bag. Better yet you knocked someone’s stuff onto the floor as well.

You were probably so stressed out by that point that your bad habit of rambling made itself known…to a very cute guy. Could your day have gotten any worse?

“I am so sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me today. It seems like the universe is against me today.” You quickly knelt down and started collecting your things as well as picking up the guy’s as well. “One minute my alarm doesn’t go off, then I wake up panicking.” You started stacking your notebooks quickly. “Then somehow I spill coffee on my sweater, then I realize I’m late for the one class I actually need to pass in order to get on with my career.” You hadn’t realized that the guy was staring at you. Not in a way where he thought you were crazy, but almost in adoration and amusement, not that you noticed anyway. “And now, I just so happened to knock your things out of your hands, and I am very very very sorry.” You huffed deeply. You finally looked up at the guy. A soft sweet smile plastered on his lips as he waited for you to finish.

“It’s okay.” He laughed. “If anything it’s my fault. I just so happen to be late for class too. I guess we were both in a hurry this morning.” He held out his hand for you, to which you accepted and stood up. You smiled back and handed him his textbook and notebook.

“I think these belong to you.” You muttered as your hand reached out towards him.

“Ah, yes thank you. Can’t go to class unprepared right?” He chuckled slightly.

“No, I guess not.” You shyly brought your hand up and curled a strand of hair behind your ear. A nervous habit of yours as well.

“I’m Randall by the way.” He offered his hand to you.

“Y/n.” You shook his hand. He hand lingered as he held yours, staring at you in a way you couldn’t describe. Could it have been in awe?

“Well Y/n…as far as first meetings go.” He laughed, which made you laugh. “I have to get to class, but uh, I’ll see you around okay.” Randall began walking backward, his gaze still on you.

“Yeah, I’ll see you around Randall.” You waved and he returned one.

That had been the start of it all.

The way you became bashful and nervous and the way you were just so innocent. Was the way Randall wanted to keep things. He wanted nothing more than to keep you hidden from the true secrets that lied within this world. The secret of the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose and the Knights of Saint Christopher. All of which existed in the world of which you walked and breathed on.

Hamish, Lilith, and Randall were on their regular night shift. Patroling the campus and making sure any and all bad magic wasn’t going on. As well as making sure there were no threats. That alone was Randall’s first priority. To get rid of any threat or being that could interfere with you. When Hamish took notice of the way how Randall wanted to go patrol more constantly than ever. He grew curious to find out what was making Randall act this way. So one night Hamish followed him and found him lurking in the dark, watching you. Everything else made sense from then on. Now Hamish liked to remind him of what his role and duty was as a Knight, but the cunning leader couldn’t help but tease him about his affection for you. As for Lilith she would roll her eyes and ask what was so great about you. In response Randall would go off listing every great thing there was about you.

And as of now, watching you in the dark, became part of the patrolling, in a none creepy way as Randall liked to put it. After Hamish allowed it of course. Everything always went according to plan. You’d walk out of your last class of the day and head off to your dormitory in the middle of the night. Randall still wished you’d let him walk you, but you always brushed him off. You could take care of yourself, he knew it too, but he still didn’t like the idea of something happening to you while you walked to your room.

Like clockwork, you stepped out of the building at the same time you always did. Greybeard observed you closely. He too grew quite fond of you after many nights of making sure you made it home safely. He watched as you secured your backpack around your shoulders and started the trail to the dorms. The night turned out to be a bit chillier than you anticipated. Only being in a long sleeve shirt, you crossed your arms and shivered slightly. To make you feel kind of shaken, the thought of student ending up dead wasn’t making you feel any better. Maybe you should have taken Randall’s offer to walk you home.

Everything small noise caused you to jump and turn around in your step. You grew slightly more frightened as you thought you heard something in rustle in the bustle off to your left.

“W-Who’s there?” Your shaken voice made Greybeard whimper to himself. He didn’t enjoy the way you were scared. With an increased paranoid state, who would have thought that a random cat jumping out of a tree would have been the cause of you to start running, then stumble down a couple steps of stairs. You landed on your side. Your backpack not doing much as a landing cushion. A groan emitted from your mouth as you placed a hand on your side where you fell. You squeezed your eyes shut knowing there’d be a bruise there by tomorrow. With the remaining strength you had left in you, you stood up and continued walking to the dorm. Being in pain seemed to make the short walk longer. You sighed in relief when you pulled open the door to your building and made your way to your room.

From afar Greybeard saw the whole thing happen and knew he had to do something about it.


By the next morning, you woke up to a sore side and huge ugly purple bruise. Your face scrunched up at the sight of it. How could you be so dumb? You literally made yourself fall down a flight of stairs. Randall would never believe such a thing. Speaking of him, you forgot he was going to come and take you to class like he normally did. Although, when it came to Randall he was quite unpredictable.

*Knock Knock Knock*

“Y/n, it’s me.” You heard him shout through the door. “I come bearing coffee and donuts.” You could hear his laugh.

You froze in your spot. Of course, he would arrive before your class actually started. Of course, he would show up while you’re not even dressed. Not to mention that he started making it his job to get you on time to class after the first incident between you two.


“Shit, shit, shit, shit.” You started frantically searching all over your room in search of something decent enough to wear. You glanced down at your attire. A long t-shirt and underwear.

Nope, not happening, you thought.

“Aha.” You sighed happily as you basically forced your legs into the pant holes. One at a time…and shimmy. As you did so Randall heard a sudden thump on the other side of your door and furrowed his brows as he waited patiently. You quickly buttoned them and got rid of your shirt for a sweater, one you had “borrowed” from Randall. You totally stole it.

You almost forgot about the boy standing outside your door, and abruptly flung the door open to reveal a curiously startled Randall. Why did he have to be so darn cute? Your disheveled appearance and your bed hair made Randall glance at his shoes then back up at you with an amused but happy smile.

“Morning.” He muttered.

“Morning.” You huffed. “Those for me, thanks.” You took the cup of coffee and took a big drink from it and stuffed your face with donuts. How lady-like of you, am I right?

“Your welcome.” Randall chuckled as he closed the door to your room and sat on your bed. “Take your time, it’s not like we’re trying to be early to class.” He teased you.

You cocked your head at him. “Haha.” You said with a mouthful of donuts.

“Rough night?” He asked curiously.


Black Jack Randall Wiki

“Kind of. I don’t want to talk about it though.” You swallowed the rest of your donut and wipe your hands with a napkin. You stood up from your bed and quickly found some shoes. You then tamed a bit of your hair and tied it into a ponytail.

“Thank you for breakfast, my knight and shining armor you may proceed with your cause.” You horribly curtsied.

“What?!” Randall grew nervous as you stopped laughing.

“You can walk me to class now dummy?” You stepped forward and pushing his shoulder playfully.

“Oh.” He laughed nervously. “Right let’s go then.” He stood up and picked up your bookbag. He cleared his throat. “After you m’lady.” He played along this time.

“Why thank you, kind sir.” You giggled as you went out your door first.

Then together you were slowly making your way to your first class. Randall didn’t have any classes at eight, so he didn’t mind walking you. It was rather enjoyable. As much as you’d probably wouldn’t admit it, you really loved spending time with him. You loved it when he walked you to class, he was a really good…friend. You wish it could be more sometimes, ya know. All the texting and the talking and walking you do together people would think you two were more than just friends.

“Ya know, I wish you would let me walk you to the dorms at night. After what happened with that one kid. I-It’s not safe.” Randall stuffed his hands into his sweatpants.

“Randall you know I can-”

“Handle yourself I know.” He finished for you.

“Besides don’t you have things you need to do…you already walk me to class every day.”

“But this one’s at night, you never know what could happen.”

Yeah like falling down a flight of stairs.

“It’s only one class Randall. Sure it ends late, but it’s one less thing you don’t need to worry about.”

“I always worry.” He shook his head as he stopped in place. You stopped too.

“Randall, seriously. I’m okay. Nothing bad has ever happened to me, okay.” You placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him.

Yeah because of me, Randall wanted to say out loud.

“You can never be too sure,” Randall whispered looking away from you shaking his head. You frowned not understanding.

“Why does it matter to you so much. It’s only a fifteen-minute walk from my class to the dorms. I’ve done it before. Nothing has happened to me, Randall, and by tonight I’m going to do it again and nothings going-” You were cut off as Randall cupped your face and kissed you. You were shocked, to say the least. That wasn’t what you were expecting at all. You reciprocated the kiss and closed your eyes, cupping the back of his neck to pull him in closer. It lasted for a few seconds, and then you leaned your head against his. Trying to come back from the heated kiss.

“It matters to me because I care. I can’t stand the thought of something bad happening to you.” You caressed his cheek as you listened to him talk. “I realized after a while that I am completely in love with you.” He chuckled softly.

“You love me.” You gasped as you whispered. You closed your eyes again smiling at the news.

“I do, and I’m hoping you feel the same way otherwise this is going to be very awkward.” He chuckled again, making you do the same. You opened your eyes smiling brightly at him. You nodded yes very quickly.


“I do, I do love you, Randall.” You cupped his cheeks and brought your lips up to his one more time.

“Phew, thank god.” He mumbled teasingly, before kissing you again, and again, and again.

Black Jack Randall X Reader Lemon


Once the two of you finally got together, things became trickier for Randall. Not only did you two spend more time together, but it also meant he had to be more careful. Making sure he didn’t suddenly shift in front of you, and also not telling you about the secret society he was in. Hamish was a bit more stern with Randall after he told him you two were finally an item. Hamish was happy nonetheless. He knew just how right you were for Randall. You kept him grounded. Yet, he was concerned about your safety just as much as Randall was. He never let Randall forget just how much your relationship was at risk, but Randall always seemed too assured that nothing would happen, or so he thought.

“Hello, beautiful.” You suddenly felt a pair of arms envelope you from behind. By now you could recognize his voice from a mile away. You felt him peck your cheek slightly before letting you go. You smiled to yourself as you got back to typing your essay on your laptop.

Randall maneuvered around you and sat down in the empty seat in front of you. He quickly set down two beers on the table and took a swig from his.

“What are you working on?” Randall leaned forward in his chair.

“A paper for my Euro class.” You glanced back at your textbook then back to your screen.

“And when’s it do?” He asked smugly.


Oh shit.

“…Next week.” You cringed as he caught you.

“Give it.” Randall smiled amusedly as he motioned with his hand.

You pouted as you saved your work and closed the laptop surrendering.

“No fair.” You slumped in your chair crossing your arms in a childish manner.

“What’s not fair, is you keep pushing yourself. Y/n we talked about this. You need to take a break every now and then.” Randall said.

“Fine fifteen minutes.” You replied sassily.

“No, I think this laptop and I are going to be the best of friends for a while.” He hugged your laptop to his chest. Once he saw you weren’t having it he said. “Give it a day at least, please. For me.” He leaned forward taking your hand in his. He titled his head a smile showing up as he saw you slowly cave in.

“Alright, fine.” You sighed. Randall leaned forward and captured your lips with his. You smiled into the kiss.

“I love you, ya know.” He pulled back.

“I know.” You nodded.

“Would you like me to walk you to the dorms tonight?” He smiled already knowing what’d you say. He didn’t need to ask, but he still did.

“If you insist.” You huffed dramatically, but teasingly nonetheless.

“Yea I do. We wouldn’t want you to fall down a flight of stairs again would we.” He laughed teasing you. Not thinking about what he just said. You laughed along with him before you quieted down. You furrowed your brows at him curiously.

Jonathan Black Jack Randall

What the hell?

“R-Randall, how did you know I fell down some stairs…I-I never told you that.” You sat up straighter. You watched as his eyes grew big suddenly.

“What?” He squeaked. “Y-Yea, you did. You told me how you got that bruise…” He trailed off.

“I didn’t tell you about that either.”

“I..uh..hahahahaha.” He started laughing very loudly. You were now amused.

Black Jack Randall X Reader Fanfiction

“T-That is a good question.” He gulped nervously. “How did I, Randall Carpio, know that you fell. Well, you see, Y/n…I uh..I…I.” He stared at you for a few seconds before he blurted out saying.

“I’m a werewolf!”

Well, that wasn’t the answer you were expecting.

Black Jack Randall Biography

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